Artificial Intelligence has become a common word used by the industry to describe many software systems. With the advent of EU-AI act, as well as the ISO 42001, industry is being concerned with compliance of AI to an acceptable industry standard and legal requirements. India is yet to pass a separate AI law but the existing ITA 2000 and DPDPA 2023 will continue to guide compliance of the “Development”, “Distribution” and “Usage of AI”.
FDPPI treats an AI system as a distinct process and applies the principles of DPDPA 2023 for compliance. The role of AI developer, distributor and User is determined with reference to ITA 2000 and DPDPA 2023.
With this approach, FDPPI applies DGPSI framework of compliance to assess an AI system of software or a combination of hardware and software.

The output of such assessment is termed AI-DTS which is a Data Trust Score assigned to the system.
The system adopts the principles of EU-AI act compliance as well as ISO 42001 principles while staying focussed on DPDPA 2023 compliance.
Currently the focus of AI-DTS is the user of an AI system who feeds the personal data collected by him into the AI system for processing. This would be referred to as AI-DTS (Deployer).
AI-DTS (Developer) is a more comprehensive system for developers of AI systems and AI-DTS (Intermediaries) will focus on the category of intermediaries like distributors.
AI-DTS (Deployer or User) is part of the DGPSI audit and assessment process and interested persons for independent assessment of AI products/Services may contact FDPPI for more details.