Ethical Declaration for FDPPI Members

I as a member of the Foundation of Data Protection Professionals voluntarily adopt to the following code of conduct.

I shall to the best of my ability and in good faith uphold the objectives of FDPPI namely

  1. To Build an empowered community of knowledgeable, efficient and Ethical Data Protection Professionals and thereby enhance the intrinsic value and worth of the profession.
  2. Contribute to the development of a Secure Information Society by lawful means
  3. To bring harmony in pursuance of Civil Rights of individuals such as Privacy and Freedom of expression along with Right to Information and Right to Cyber Security.

I shall endeavour at all times to keep myself informed and educated on the applicable laws and practices that contribute to  Privacy and Data Protection.

I am aware that DPDPA 2023 (Digital Personal Data Protection Act 2023 read along with accompanying rules as notified/to be notified by the Government of India)  imposes certain obligations on  our organization related to Protection of Personal Data of individuals processed by our company and ensure that these obligations are fulfilled.

I am aware that DPDPA 2023 (Digital Personal Data Protection Act 2023 read along with accompanying rules as notified/to be notified by the Government of India)  imposes certain o duties on individuals and ensure that these duties are fulfilled.

I am also aware that ITA 2000 (Information Technology Act 2000 read along with accompanying rules as notified by the Government of India) imposes certain additional obligations on our organization related to protection of Data whether personal or non personal processed by our Company and ensure that these obligations are fulfilled.

I am also aware and acknowledge that the Company has adopted certain additional measures of data protection over and above the legal mandate under DPDPA 2023 and ITA 2000 such as the “Distributed Responsibility” concept of Data Protection  with a desire to protect Privacy of individuals whose data is processed by the Company and ensure that these measures are fulfilled.

I acknowledge that I  have undergone a sensitization program to understand the applicability of DPDPA  2023, ITA 2000 and  the Compliance requirements of the company and as a responsible employee of the organization,  I shall endeavour to keep myself continuously updated with all regulations that affect my activities including our Company’s  policies  and comply with them at all times.

I hereby solemnly commit that I shall at all times within the office or  outside,  ensure that the obligations of Privacy and Security as imposed on the Company or me under law and adopted practices are strictly adhered to by me.

I understand that I am a trusted representative of my organization as well as its Clients and I shall take all care required for meeting the company’s Moral, Ethical and Contractual obligations.

I shall take such steps that are necessary to prevent any other person breaching or attempting to breach these ethical principles and shall bring any such instance to the notice of appropriate authorities.

I shall consider it my duty not to compromise the interests of the Company and the nation at any time and always place such interests  above my personal interests as well as my political and religious beliefs.

In the event of my disassociating with FDPPI or when there is any material change in the personal information provided by me to FDPPI  I shall provide the information and refrain from committing any breach of these ethical principles even after disassociating with  the organisation.

I shall refrain from damaging the reputation or the interests of the Company after leaving the organization for any reasons.

In confirmation of the above I hereby affix my consent to this Ethical Declaration.

Ethical Declaration