Before 31st March 2025…

Consequent to the publication of draft DPDPA Rules, it has become essential for responsible Corporate Managements to take some corporate action o DPDPA Compliance immediately.

FDPPI recommends  the following actions.

1. Pass a resolution that the Company has taken note of the issue of draft rules and the potential impact of the enforcement of DPDPA in the coming financial year.

2. Pass a resolution appointing a suitable person as a “DPDPA Compliance Officer” who may be later promoted if suitable as a DPO.

3. Depute the Compliance officer to a training like C.DPO.DA. of FDPPI so that he can make a detailed assessment and recommend further action.

In order to assist such companies who want to take off, FDPPI will be providing the following services .

1. Conduct C.DPO.DA. program for 3 days at Mumbai on January 24, 25 and 26 (Registration now open with Early Bird Discount available now).

2.Conduct a similar physical program in Delhi if possible before March 2025. (To be Scheduled)

3.Conduct at least one Virtual program before March 2025 (To Be Scheduled)

4. Institute a quick Business Impact Assessment through a Virtual interaction with corporate Managements (on a short virtual session) on request. (At a Cost of Rs 10000-25000)

(P.S: Considering the current assignments of FDPPI/Naavi booked with FDPPI, there could be scope for not more than 5 to six assessments before March 2025).

Interested company officials need to contact FDPPI immediately by visiting the website or contact Naavi through

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