FDPPI organizes from time to time, knowledge enhancement series of interactions on different topics of interest. Some of the sessions in Jnaana Vardhini series are conducted by invited speakers.
In a spirit of sharing the knowledge with the larger audience, some of the videos available on record are made available here.
None of these Videos contain content which is unsuitable for any person less than 18 years of age or even lower. However, since the subject is beyond the comprehension of kids, the videos are not considered as suitable for kids.
Upto the end of 2022, a total of 124 such sessions had been conducted.
Of these two were exclusive star sessions for the members of FDPPI.
The Videos will be available on You Tube Channel here
JVS December 20: 2023: Discussion on DGPSI
: JVS 40/2023 December 6, 2023: Vasanth Garimalla Speaks on Deepfake
Naavi speaks on Cyber Security at JagranTV
: JVS 39/2023 November 8, 2023: Apurva Garg, CEO, Aurva.io speaks about Consent Management
: JVS 38/2023 November 1, 2023: Deepti Bhatia speaks on Credit Information Records
: JVS3 7/2023 October 18, 2023: Santosh Kamane speaks on Data Privacy Risks
Digital Society Day : October 17, 2023: “Jago Regulators Jago” Event on Digital Society Day
: JVS 36/2023 October 11: Dr Pankaj Shay Speaks on DPDPA
: JVS 35/2023 September 20, 2023: Anil Rachamalla Founder of “End Now Foundation” on Social Media Crimes
: JVS 34/2023 September 13, 2023: Ramesh Venkataraman compares GDPR and DPDPA
: JVS 33/2023: September 06: Zero Trust Framework by Murugavel Muthu

August 30
: JVS 32/2023August 23, 2023
Dr Naveen Dham speaks on Cyber Security
August 22: Impact of DPDPA on FINTECH Industry…at Manipal Law School
: JVS 31/2023August 20, 2023
Naavi speaks on Tech talk on Digial Personal Data Protection Bill 2023
: JVS 30/2023:August 16, 2023
T Jagannathan Speaks on Ransomware
August 9: : JVS 29/20232023:
Rishi Agarwal on RegTech
August 04 2023: : JVS 28/2023Round Table on DPDPB 2023
August 02, 2023: : JVS2 7/2023Shinaj Karuwath speaks on ISO 27701
July 26: : JVS 26/2023Pravin Nair speaks on Cloud Security
July 19:: JVS 25/2023 Advocate Biju Nair speaks about Open Source Compliance
July 12: : JVS 24/2023Advocate Karthikeyan speaks on Cyber Crimes in Digital Era
July 5, 2023: : JVS 23/2023 Mr Premanand discusses Quantum Computing
June 28, 2023: : JVS 22/2023Karthik ubramanian of Atlas System on ComplyScore, an Integrated third party risk management platform.
June 21, 2023:: JVS 21/2023 Mr Saurabhlal discusses Threat Landscape
May 31, 2023: : JVS 20/2023Advocate Ranganath shares a Case Study on Phishing
May 17, 2023:: JVS 19/2023 Gabriella Discusses the Brazil Data Protection Law
May 10 2023: : JVS 18/2023Mr Rakesh Mishra, Speaks on Privacy Framework
May 3, 2023: : JVS 17/2023Mr Alok Arora speaks on Data Privacy and HR Process
April 26, 2023: : JVS 16/2023Mr Santosh Kamane speaks on Secure Data Disposal
April 19, 2023: : JVS 15/2023Discussion on the New Intermediary Guidelines
April 12, 2023: : JVS 14/2023Shreyas Parvate Speaks on Data Discovery
March 29, 2023: : JVS 13/2023Rajeev Panicker on ISO 31700
March 15, 2023: : JVS 12/2023New Digital India Act by P B Viswanath
March 8, 2023: : JVS 11/2023Women In Privacy
March 1, 2023:: JVS 10/2023 Kapil Mehrotra, Vaibhav Tare, Anil Chiplunkar and Naavi speak on ChatGPT
February 22, 2023: : JVS 9/2023Privacy Quiz conducted by Ramesh Venkataraman and Manju TC
February 15, 2023: : JVS 8/2023Joshua Premkumar speaks on Ethical Hacking
February 8, 2023: JVS 7/2023 Risk Based Vulnerability Management-Shashank
February 1, 2023: JVS 6/2023 Hexagonal Model of Data Protection Motivation..by Naavi
January 28, 2023: JVS 5/2023: Privacy Day Celebrated at FDPPI with a discussion and Moot Court on Right to Forget
January 26, 2023: JVS 4/2023: Naavi speaks on Need for AI Regulation
January 19,2023: JVS 3/2023 : Life of a DPO by Dr Anirban Ghosh
January 11, 2023: (JVS 2/2023) Abhilash Soundarajan Speaks on Anonymization
January 04, 2023: (JVS 1/2023) Aparna Pathak Speaks on Privacy Tools