In its bid to contribute towards empowering the Data Protection Ecosystem in India with more knowledge on the regulations sorrounding Data Protection, FDPPI is launching an awareness creation movement across the country on the current and emerging Data Protection regulatory regime in India.
The program titled “Jnaana Jyothi” would include conduct of “Invitation Lectures” through webinars to any organization and its employees who are interested in knowing more about the Indian data protection regime as it is unfolding now.
India is presently on the threshold of passing the Personal Data Protection Bill and has started discussions on Governance of Non Personal Data. At this point of time, there is a requirement for extensive outreach programs to let people know what Personal Data Protection regulation means to them and what the Non personal data regulation can unfold.
Those organizations who want to take advantage of this Jnaana Jyothi program, can contact FDPPI to schedule invitation lectures in which different Chapters of FDPPI in Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi and Chennai would participate.
Different professionals from each of these chapters would conduct these sessions presently on the webinar mode until the physical meetings can be conducted. Interested persons can contact any of our chapters for more information.