Application for Membership may be made here with payment
FDPPI is an organization of the Data Protection Professionals in India. Any professional who is an individual or an organization or an Educational Institution or even a Government Institution who has a stake in “Data” can be part of this movement. Different services of FDPPI are offered to different classes of members as indicated below. The membership fee so collected are subscriptions for different services of FDPPI.
The “Members” will henceforth be called “Associates” as they are partners to our progress. Accordingly there will be three kinds of Associates namely “Individual Associates”, “Corporate Associates” and “Business Associates” or “Associate Service Providers”.
Membership Details
(Price mentioned here is exclusive of GST of 18%)
Individual Associates | Annual | 6000/- |
Three years | 12000/- | |
Life | 30000′- | |
Business Associates (Associate Service Providers) | Annual | 12000/- |
Three years | 30000/- | |
Corporate Associates | Annual | 10000/- |
Three years | 25000/- | |
Annual Subscription to Jnaana Bhandar for Individual associates For Corporate and Business Associates For Non Associates | 1000/- 1000/- Rs 2500/- |
Services available for Individuals are as follows:

For Individual Associates after 1st April 2024, the subscription of Jnaana Bhandar for one year is complementary. From second year onwards the membership fee would be Rs 1000/- (Plus GST) per annum.
Individual Associates will also be eligible for a discount of 10% on all training programs and Examination fees as well as any paid programs conducted from time to time.
Individual Associates are also entitled to the registration in Indian National Register of Data Protection professional services at a concessional fee of Rs 4500/- (Plus GST) as against the normal fee of Rs 5000/- (Plus GST).
Individual Associates who would like to be associate service providers and execute revenue sharing projects with FDPPI on a case to case basis approved by the Board may register as Business Associates at a fee of Rs 30000/-(exclusive of GST) for 3 years and Rs 12000/- for one year.
Business associates who subscribe to a code of conduct may be onboarded onto a “Consortium” which on behalf of FDPPI may offer project services. One Consortium would be for Legal support services and another consortium would be for audit services. A third consortium is being planned for technical services. There will be different accreditation criteria and code of conduct for each of these areas. A sub committee of Subabarayudu, Ramesh and Naavi will develop the code of conduct asap and make it available for Business Associates.
Corporate Associates
Corporate Associates are organizations (Company, Society, Trust or any other Association of Members) for whom FDPPI offers services at a concessional rates.
This association is available for a fee of Rs 25000/-.(plus GST) for three years and Rs 10000/- on annual basis. (Plus GST)

Additionally products and services of FDPPI such as training or audit etc may be offered with a special discount to the corporate member.
The above services are available for non corporate associates also but corporate associates may be provided a privileged pricing.
More information on the above as well as special membership for academic institutions may be obtained on request. At present Ujvala Consultants Pvt Ltd is considered as a “Patron Member” who has dedicated all its activities related to Cyber Law and Data Protection to the benefit of FDPPI.
Request membership form by email: under copy to
Application for Membership may be made here with payment
PS: The registration of membership will be taken on the website of iLET solutions, the business services partner.
Admission as voting members is on request and subject to approval of the Board.
P.S: The membership application forms are collected through Formidable Form service and its privacy policy is available at
All Members are requested to kindly go through the Privacy Policy of FDPPI along with the Ethical Declaration and if they are not agreeable to the contents there in request for consent withdrawal. Kindly peruse the policies before committing payment of membership fee since no refund of fees already paid would be provided after 30 days from the date of payment.
All members are requested to peruse through the Ethical Declaration and provide their consent.