Transform yourself to be a Data Auditor in India


To All Information Security Auditors in India


Dear Friend,

Greetings and good wishes for a prosperous new year from FDPPI (Foundation of Data Protection Professionals in India).

FDPPI is  committed to the promotion of a Privacy Compliance culture in India through its various programs. “No Excuses, Just Be Compliant” is the nudge for Indian companies. 

Towards this objective, FDPPI is conducting certification programs in the area of Privacy with focus on DPDP Act 2023 (Digital Personal Data Protection Act 2023). The Certification program is available  on tap as an online program titled Certified DPO and Data Auditor (C.DPO.DA). From time to time, we also conduct  3 days in-person training program of C.DPO.DA at various centres.

For audit firms engaged in Information Security related audits such as ISO 27001, PCI DSS, etc., this Certification is a great opportunity to transform themselves into the new area of “Data Audit”.
If you are a Cert In empanelled auditor, you may remember the email dated 5th September, 2024 from the empanelment division of CERT-In in which CERT-In had recommended the training program of C.DPO. DA. (Certified DPO and Data Auditors) conducted by FDPPI as an essential training for the auditors. Following the above circular from CERT-In, one in-person program was conducted at Bangalore for 3 days on September 27, 28 and 29. The Program was well received and Dr Ashutosh Bahuguna from CERT-In also addressed the participants during the training program.

In view of the forthcoming Rules for implementation of DPDP Act 2023, we have planned next 3 days C.DPO.DA in-person training program in Mumbai from 24th to 26th January, 2025.

During this program, there will be a detailed discussion on the implementation of DPDPA compliance in organizations along with how to audit and certify for compliance. The discussions will be based on the legal framework set by IT Act 2000 and DPDPA 2023 and how the FDPPI developed framework of DGPSI (Data Governance and Protection Standard of India) is going to meet the compliance.  The program will be based on case study discussions and cover all aspects of DPDPA 2023. To the extent necessary references will be made to GDPR as a data protection law and audit frameworks of ISO  so that the participants will have a well-grounded understanding of global Data Protection laws and the different audit frameworks.
We urge you to kindly depute one or more of your auditors to attend the program. At the end of the program, all participants will be provided with participation certificates and also an invitation to take an online examination. Those who pass the online examination would be eligible for a full certification of C.DPO. DA. from FDPPI.

As you may be aware, DPDP Act 2023 has mandated that all Significant Data Fiduciaries are required to conduct annual audits of their compliance from external data auditors. Also, those who intend to register as “Consent Managers”  need to undergo a mandatory audit of their platforms to be in compliance of DPDP Act 2023. Hence it is a new business opportunity for audit firms, especially those who are already accredited with CERT-In.
At present, C.DPO.DA certification is the only certification that addresses the requirements of “Data Auditor” as envisaged under the DPDP Act 2023. Participants will be provided with necessary books and materials to enable them successfully pass through the examination as part of the program.
I am enclosing a brochure for the Mumbai Program which is self-explanatory. You can also contact Sri Bondaiah Adepu, President, FDPPI Mumbai Chapter for more details. (Ph: 9004419020).
While the 3-day physical program was designed for the CERT-In empanelled auditors, it is also suitable for all Information Security auditors who want to transform to the Data Auditor status. Hence the program is not limited to CERT-In empanelled auditors. Others who are interested in becoming either a DPO or a Data Auditor are welcome to attend the same.

The registration link for the program is here:

If you have any problem in registering in this above link, you may make the payment through the link at also. You can also send an email to naavi with the subject line “Mumbai Training” for any clarifications.



Download Brochure

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