Super specialization in Data Protection

“Data” is a sequence of binaries having a humanly perceivable meaning. If it is in a chaotic distribution, we call it as “Gibberish” and does not give any meaning to a human observer. But when data is arranged in bits and bytes the computers with the right kind of interpreters can bring before us a text or audio or video.

If the observer has some innate knowledge, he understands the data as being related to an individual living or dead or of an inanimate object Experts in different domains can see the data and interpret as indicative of more sensitive meaning. Thus the classification of a binary sequence as personal or non personal data is purely human interpretation of binary information with the use of certain computing devices.

If this theory is accepted, it looks that “Data Protection Skill” should also merge between Personal Data Protection and Non Personal Data Protection.

Recognizing this futuristic scenario, FDPPI has launched two Certification programs one in association with DNV for Personal Data Protection and another in association with Cyber Law College for Non Personal Data Protection. The foundation for Data Protection Certification is DPDPB 2022 as an extension of ITA 2000 and GDPR.

The Foundation for Non Personal Data Protection is ITA 2000 extended into the amendments of 2008 and the upcoming DIA. The future of Data Protection Professionals is an area of super specialization where they will be conversant with laws applicable to personal data as well as laws applicable to non personal data. This “Super Speciality Trend” is a pioneering effort of FDPPI. At the end of the successful completion of the two programs the participants would be able to claim two Certifications namely CDPP (Certified Data Protection Professional) and CCLP (Certified Cyber Law Professional). CDPP Certification will be issued under the joint certification of FDPPI-CDPP and CCLP Certification will be issued under the joint certification of FDPPI-CCLP. The two Certifications are offered individually and can be taken separately.

CDPP program is a completely instructor led online program for 24 plus hours and would cost Rs 40000/- (with Examination)

CCLP program is partly instructor led and partly of recorded online sessions of approximately 20 hours and would cost Rs 7000/-(with Examination)

Those who donot want to take examination/s may opt to take participation certificates by attending the program/s at a reduced cost of Rs 35000/- and Rs 6000/- for CDPP and CCLP programs respectively.

These programs come with a guarantee of additional sessions if the Bills based on which the current curriculum is designed become laws with some changes. It is an one time automatic upgradation guarantee.

For Registration and Payment follow these links

FDPPI Certified Data Protection Professional

FDPPI Certified Data Protection Professional

Start Over

Payment for FDPPI-DNV Data Protection Program

FDPPI-CLC program on ITA 2000 and DIA

FDPPI-CLC program on ITA 2000 and DIA

The Choice
Start Over

Payment for FDPPI-CLC Cyber Law Program

Kindly note that there are two separate programs. Both will start on June 17th. FDPPI-DNV program will be at 10.30 am and FDPPI-CLC program will be at 3.30 pm. Further instructions will be made to the registrants separately.

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