FDPPI which got its Certificate of Incorporation on 17th September 2018 has completed six years today and moving into the 7th Year. We take this opportunity to thank all those who interacted with us in these six years and contributed to what FDPPI is today.
FDPPI also thanks all the members who through their voluntary contributions sustained the efforts of FDPPI all these years.
During this auspicious occasion, FDPPI has undertaken a giant step towards creating a “Cross Certification” system for Data Protection Professionals in India. Under this scheme, FDPPI recognizes that many professionals have acquired qualifications as Privacy and Data Protection Professionals from other organizations such as IAPP, DSCI or ISACA. Some have also obtained similar Certificates from other Private organizations in India.
At the same time FDPPI is providing its own C.DPO.DA. Certification.
While each of the organizations consider their program as the best option for the professionals, the professionals themselves need to go for multiple certifications at a huge cost though there is a overlapping of learning elements in each of these Certifications.
FDPPI as an organization that has been promoted by the professionals themselves strongly believes that “Certifications” are important but should not be a burden to the professionals. Hence to ease the burden of multiple certifications, FDPPI introduces a “Cross Certification Scheme” where those professionals who have already obtained Certifications from other organizations can opt to acquire C.DPO.DA. just by passing through the online examination. If the knowledge acquired in these certifications are good enough, most of these professionals can successfully pass through the examination. If not, they can try to acquire additional knowledge and skills through FDPPI’s own “Master Trainers” and try to attempt the exam again.
FDPPI adopted a unique Banyan Tree model of development where FDPPI remains as a Not for Profit Section 8 company but its set of “Business Associate Members” (earlier called Supporting members) develop and execute commercial projects under the FDPPI banner and provide a royalty revenue to FDPPI.
We take this opportunity to renew our request to our Business Associate Members or Associate Service Providers to come up with new thoughts on how they will be able to develop new services for themselves and also support the future growth of FDPPI.
To start with, we invite some of our Business Associate Members to become “Master Trainers” for C.DPO.DA. A training for trainers would be conducted by Naavi to ensure a reasonable base standard for trainings conducted by such “Master Trainers”.
As a leader of Business Associate Members, Ujvala Consultants Pvt Ltd which is also a patron has come forward with a new service namely the DPDPA Insurability Index where the auditors of Ujvala conduct a quick assessment of DPDPA compliance by an organization with a specific objective of identifying the “Insurable Status” of the organization for a “DPDPA Insurance Cover” against liabilities arising out of DPDPA 2023 non compliance.
We look forward for others to come forward with their own projects which can be executed under the umbrella of FDPPI with a royalty payment.