Justice (Retd) Sri K.S. Puttaswamy, the person who initiated the Supreme Court petition on Privacy which finally ended up with the judgement on August 27, 2017 that Privacy is a Fundamental Right in India, is today 98 years old and lives a quiet life in Bengaluru. At a time when the industry is celebrating the advent of the new law, we considered it necessary to recognize the man behind this watershed moment in India.
Accordingly the Board of FDPPI passed a resolution that we should confer a title “Privacy Pitamaha” on him and today called on him at his residence to convey it to him through a simple meeting. Dr Avinash, Dean of of Manipal Law School joined FDPPI on this occasion to support the initiative.
We feel a sense of satisfaction that the contribution of this senior citizen who created history in India was recognized by FDPPI. We feel honoured by honouring him.
FDPPI is introducing a Leadership Initiative for DPDPA Consciousness (LID) to conduct a 90 minute session for top leadership team of any Company on the Impact of DPDPA on their organization.
This could be an initiative that should be taken by the Board even before they go about appointing a DPO.
Requests can be made through any of the Chapter heads of FDPPI at Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Nagpur, Pune and Bhuvaneshwar or directly to the attention of our Advisor Operations at the Head office at fdppi4privacy..@..gmail.com
FDPPI has recently launched the first batch of DPO training, Module I on 26th August. The Second batch will commence on 2nd September to a close group of trainees.
In the meantime the Course will continue to be available on tap in the Recorded mode with two mentor sessions of 60 minutes each.
In October the second leg of the Indian DPO Certification Course will commence. This program will discuss the Data Audit under the framework of PDPCSI (Personal Data Protection Compliance Standard of India) (12 hours of virtual training). On Completion of the two modules namely Module I and Module A, the trainees will have a knowledge of DPDPA 2023, ITA 2000 and Requirements of being a DPO and an independent Data Auditor.
The different combinations of trainings conducted by FDPPI are as follows.
Indian law only (DPDPA and ITA 2000)
Rs 15000/-
Data Audit under DPDPA: Data Audit+PDPCSI
C.DPO.DA (Foundation)
Rs 24000/-
Indian DPO. DPDPA+ITA 2000+Data Audit+ PDPCSI
C.DPO.DA (Foundation)
Rs 33000/-
With any of the above three modules, Module G on Data Protection laws which includes EU GDPR and CPRA, HIPAA may be added at an additional cost. (Recorded mode with mentor assisted sessions).
Completion of all modules will entitle the Certificate C.DPO.DA (Global) and together is priced at Rs 45000/-
All fees are inclusive of GST
Trainees will be entitled to Basic Membership of FDPPI and Registration in Indian National Data Protection Register.
Trainees can opt to obtain participation certificate or optionally take an online examination. Participation Certificate would mention “Undergone a Training”. Certificates of those who take the examination will mention ” Under gone a training and passed the examination”.
Interested persons can complete the form below and make the payment.
Application for Enrollment for Certification Program
P.S: Training is offered by Cyber Law College (Ujvala Consultants Pvt Ltd) as Training Partner
For more details, contact FDPPI over email. over fdppi@ fdppi.in
(Kindly note that any payment made to FDPPI for training and any payment made to Cyber Law College/Ujvala Consultants Pvt Ltd for FDPPI membership would be internally reconciled)
FDPPI’s first batch for training in Certified Data Protection Professional-Batch I will commence on 26th and 27th and September 2 and 3 . It is an online batch for 12 hours to be conducted between 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm. Fees Rs 15000/-
Complimentary registration in the Indian National Register of Data Protection Professionals in India. (worth Rs 30o0/-) is included.
Will be considered as Part of the Certified Data Protection and Data Auditor program scheduled for October.
Coverage will include DPDPA 2023 and ITA 2000 as relevant.
Application for Enrollment for Certification Program
P.S: Training is offered by Cyber Law College (Ujvala Consultants Pvt Ltd) as Training Partner
Please pay Rs 15000/- (Inclusive of GST of 18%)
For more details, contact FDPPI over email. over fdppi@ fdppi.in
(Kindly note that any payment made to FDPPI for training and any payment made to Cyber Law College/Ujvala Consultants Pvt Ltd for FDPPI membership would be internally reconciled)
Just as the DPDPB 2023 was tabled in the Parliament on 3rd August 2023, FDPPI as the most committed data protection organization of India, held a Virtual Roundtable on 4th August 2023. Manipal Law School, (MLS) part of the Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) partnered FDPPI in this event.
The roundtable discussed several issues surrounding the bill including whether DPDPB2023 is a money bill, the rights and obligations under the bill, Whether DPB is well constituted, etc.
Dr Avinash Dadhich, Dean of MLS was the special guest and participated actively in the discussions.
The event also marked the first event conducted by FDPPI partnering MLS and look forward to more such events.
Personal Data Protection and Governance Management (PDPGM) in a corporate entity is a complex journey.
-It requires discovery and tracking of the data asset, Classification into different categories of data, Different Sensitivity types, Different Law jurisdictions, Different Value buckets etc.
-It also requires applying Organizational and Technical measures appropriate to each type of data and building a Privacy and Data Protection Culture across an organization.
-It also includes Data Governance aspect of “Monetization” and “Cross Border Transfer” strategies that are Law compliant.
Current approach of all organizations is for a Company to establish Privacy by Design Program involving management of “Legal basis” for personal data collection and processing, “Security measures” for protecting the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of digital information, which is monitored by the Data Protection Officer and periodically audited by an external Data Auditor.
In this process the Company is responsible for understanding the requirements, converting them into Policy and Technology controls and the Auditors verify and give their expert views.
In a scenario where the Privacy and Data Protection scenario is evolving and new laws are appearing every other day, new interpretations are evolving every day, a company engaged in productive business has to divert a large part of its resources to meet the requirements. In a large organization, there is a need to set up a Privacy Department and a DPO to supplement its CEO/CRO/CCO to achieve an acceptable level of compliance.
FDPPI as an organization with an objective of empowerment of the Data Protection eco system in India, has adopted an approach of Concurrent Consulting which involves a close interaction with the company in the designing and implementation of the Privacy and Data protection program with Concurrent audit and Continuous improvement.
In this model, a team of FDPPI is associated as an external PDPM consultant and works closely with the Company in assisting the designated Privacy Management team and the DPO. The project is managed by the designated Supporting members of FDPPI.
This is the “Partner In Progress” (PIP) approach of FDPPI where the FDPPI team would be involved in designing of the PDPM program, assisting the Company in its implementation and periodically reviewing the functioning of the PDPM program, suggesting and implementing corrections on a continuous PDCA cycle.
It is expected that this approach would be more suitable to the Indian market which is in the developmental stage where Privacy as a concept is new and companies have to put in extra efforts to adopt to the new global culture where Privacy infringements are considered one of the biggest regulatory threats which could result in penalties reaching upto a billion US dollar.
The engagement would be on a retainer basis with additional services sourced either from within the supporting member network or outside and billed as necessary. The team would design and implement the system on a best effort basis.
The system of an external data auditor which is inherent in the Indian law will ensure that the work of the FDPPI consultancy team is reviewed by an external auditor and should satisfy the puritans who fear conflict.
It is desired that after the system is stabilized, the FDPPI team can exit and handover the maintenance to an internal Privacy and Data Protection management team.
This arrangement is considered ideal when an organization is going through a Digital Transformation and implementing a switchover from the current privacy nd Data Protection regime under ITA 2000 to the DPDPB regime.
[PS: The enrolment for the program will be available on the virtual mode: Kindly visit https://fdppi.in/wp/fdppi-dnv-cdpp-2023/ for the current version of the program and enrolment]
You have heard about CIPP or DCPLA or CDPSE. Each Certification has a value. Each has an objective to make you conversant with some aspect of Data Protection. But FDPPI-DNV’s CDPP program is different. If it is supplemented with FDPPI-CLC’s CCLP it is even better.
CDPP.CCLP program of FDPPI is a one of kind program that imparts expertise on the knowledge of Indian Data Protection laws, past, present and future, Key Global data Protection laws of the present, and the Indian Cyber Laws, past, present and future.
The program is conducted over virtual interaction as well as through recorded program.
Option is provided to take participation certificate without taking the examination. If an online examination is successfully completed, the participants can get the fully empowered certificate. The examination will also be online and would be proctored.
The faculty will be Naavi, one of the veteran teachers of Cyber Law and Data Protection in India.
The curriculum for the two courses are given below.
FDPPI-DNV Data Protection Program
FDPPI-CLC Cyber Law Program
The Schedule for the program is as follows:
FDPPI-DNV Data Protection Program
FDPPI-CLC Cyber Law Program
10.30 am to 1.30 am on June 17,18 June 24,25 July 1,2 July 8,9 Recorded sessions would be made available including some from outside the sessions on these days. Total Video content would be more than 30 hours.
Recorded videos for 14 hours plus interactive sessions between 3.30 pm and 5.00 pm on June 17, 24 July 1, 2
The Fees for the programs is as follows:
FDPPI-DNV Data Protection Program
FDPPI-CLC Cyber Law Program
Both Programs together
Participation only
Participation with Examination
Basic Membership of FDPPI worth Rs 6000
Rs 5000 (valid for next 1 month)
Entry in the Indian National Register of Data Protection Professionals
The round table discussion on “Impact of DPDPB 2022 on Health Sector” was conducted by FDPPI in Bangalore on June 10, 2023 at The Pride Hotel, Richmond Circle, Bangalore.
It was well attended by many leading professionals from the Health industry, many entrepreneurs, IS professionals and a very useful discussion took place.
Dr Vikram Venkateswaran of Deloitte, Rajiv Panicker from DNV and Vinay Krishna of LedgerFi were on the headtable with Naavi to lead the discussions. Naavi presented a brief on DPDPB 2022 and it was followed by a series of incidents and how DPDPB 2022 applied and what compliance measures it indicated for the Hospitals and other entities.
During the event the system of Indian National Register of Data Protection Professionals was formally launched.
Some of the pictures below capture the moments during the program.
Today, during the Round Table in Bangalore on “Impact of DPDPB 2022 on Health Sector”, FDPPI is formally launching the Indian Register of Data Protection Professionals by issuing its certificate to one of the registered professional. Other certificates will be issued by tomorrow.
This event is a physical event and registrations are closed.
FDPPI has finalized arrangements with Proctor360 for proctoring the upcoming Certification examinations to be conducted under tNV program on Data Protection and FDPPI-CLC program on Cyber Law.
FDPPI has also finalized arrangements for issue of Certificates for the Examinations as well as the Indian Register of Data Protection Professionals with Certopus. The design and format are being finalized and the issue of Certificates will start shortly.